
another commute...

While still adapting to the life of a Bay area commuter (after just moving out here a few months ago from car-centric and fuel-guzzling Columbus, Ohio), a host of questions stir within me regarding the Bay area trains:
- why do I have to use a different pass on MUNI, BART, Caltrans, Amtrak, and AC Transit?? (if anyone has been to cities like Taipei recently you can see its a beautiful thing when they are all in sync!)
- with our lawsuit driven world, how do they get by without handrails or protection screens in the subway tunnels, especially with the speed the trains come flying through?
- why is there not one system that runs full circle from SF to San Jose to Oakland???
- has anyone studied piezo-electric generators in the downtown metro stations (just hafta ask :) )?
-wifi on BART (especially on the east bay commutes!)
-the bus from the Coliseum to Oakland airport does not seem to be encouraging growth and connectivity to Oakland(or is that the plan...?)

These are just some lingering questions from a morning commute, in an uncaffeinated state...now to find some coffee!

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