
BIM and virtual web - can one inform the other?

With BIM being as such a major breakthrough in information management in the physical architectural world, it seems to beg the question of whether it could be as valuable in the 3D virtual internet?

Let's explore this by beginning how BIM was a transformation from traditional CAD and 3d modeling in the architectural history. 3D modeling brought an evolution of 2D drafting as a closer replication of the building, but it drove a geometry only model that lent itself more to visualization than truly driving a drawing set or any form of intelligence.

Now, paralleling this in the current generation of proprietary internet modelers, it appears that the industry is in the same condition as the architectural modelers were 10-15 years ago, still trying to develop easy to use modelers that are accessible and interchangeable. Lack of consistency from interface to interface can only enhance confusion for the inexperienced, average user, and the models are only carrying a minimum of information back to the database and system that could be utilized.

What type of information? Basic logic of construction - intelligence between exterior and interior walls could provide scalability of interior spaces for low-res worlds, while exterior shells provide navigability through virtual urban environments; floor designations for gravity detection; asset management of components that can be databased and bought/sold and populated Sims-style. Tying this together, view and collision management systems could provide context for virtual map-building and communication of layouts for online real estate or other virtual enterprise.

Why the appeal of using one platform to cut across from physical to virtual buildings? Consistency between tools and standardized input could bring experienced urban and residential/corporate/retail designers. Standardization could populate through to the gaming industry, expanding the market for architectural software and creating a single format virtual building databasing, and give competition to the existing 3D modeling market. Finally, it could lead to a commonality in virtual modeling language, potentially pushing the 3D web into a sustainable force with multiple sources on proprietary development....?
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