
modularity in iVR

Change and transparent openness are funny things - to collaborate and plan for open sourcing and playing nice with others always seems to take a backseat to proprietary ownership.

This seems to really speak highly to the guys that helped open up the Net, which has become a source of innovation, communication, entertainment, learning, etc., but also begs the question of if that openness will ever arise again to lead to Web 3.0? Imagine a plug-n-play universe which creates spatial relationships to search engines, the ability to search casually surf and really experience spontaneous findings, or to know where you are by where you stand at the moment. This would mean a wanting to build and develop within the environment, modularity in land ownership, but could mean one GUI to surf, play games, socialize, buy, entertain, etc. VRML held hopes yet was brought down by group conscensous. Are there any visionary firms that would be willing to develop something solely as a springboard for others, even competitors?

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